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"Unlocking Tomorrow: exploring trends, unleashing potential and shaping a positive technological future"

In the emerging world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a variety of initiatives are unfolding, each aimed at overcoming specific business challenges. The targeted use of generative AI can help companies to optimise their decision-making processes, increase productivity and thus secure a lasting competitive advantage.

These technologies make it possible to develop new innovative services and personalised shopping experiences that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. The presence of customer-centric AI initiatives also helps to positively influence your target group's perception of your company and your innovative strength.

In the competitive marketplace, companies are looking to optimise the customer experience and increase sales. Your customers have an increasing expectation for personalised offers and recommendations tailored to their needs. Artificial intelligence has established itself as a key tool in this process.

Work with us to discover the many opportunities offered by AI: from tapping into new potential and managing risk to improving customer loyalty. Our expertise provides insights into the dynamic world of AI applications, explains the development of use cases and the use and integration of solutions on the market as well as the development of customised services.

Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce

In the dynamic world of e-commerce, companies face a wide range of challenges - from personalising the shopping experience to process efficiency in marketing and sales to high-quality customer service. Today's customers expect customised offers and support that is always available. Our services are designed to empower data-driven decisions, personalise content and design your e-commerce for the future through the use of generative AI and machine learning.

We guide you throughout the process of developing and evaluating customised AI strategies that meet both your requirements and those of your customers. Additionally, we develop customised AI services based on the use cases developed in the boot camps or adapt your existing platforms with new AI-based services from providers. In our Learnlabs, we share knowledge on how to use current AI tools independently and recognise new areas of application.

When innovation meets expertise: we help you to fully utilise the potential of AI, secure sustainable competitive advantages through suitable AI solutions and thus accompany your company into a successful future.

Our AI Services

AI Strategy


In a world that is increasingly shaped by data and digitalisation, a strategic plan for dealing with artificial intelligence forms a new foundation for your company's success. Our consultants understand the complexity that the integration of artificial intelligence brings for organisations, employees and technology. Whether in the optimisation of internal processes or the redesign of customer experiences in marketing, e-commerce and customer service - we identify specific areas of application for artificial intelligence that are not only accessible but also strategically essential for your company.

Based on your company's objectives, the status quo and your ambitions, we identify relevant areas of application and design your strategic roadmap. By applying best practices and proven methodologies, we ensure that you achieve your goals in terms of customer alignment and operational efficiency, always with a focus on continuous innovation and technological leadership.

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AI LearnLabs


In the course of the rapid development of AI technology, we have created our LearnLab concept. In our interactive workshops, we offer you a holistic approach to understanding artificial intelligence, as well as inspiration and realistic solutions for the effective use of generative AI in your daily environment and your own processes.

Our approach consists of two complementary parts: Learn and Lab. In the Learn section, we focus on conveying a basic understanding of generative AI and the associated possibilities and limitations. In the Lab section, you will then deepen your knowledge through practical application to everyday tasks.

Learn how to use the latest tools, discover hands-on best practices in prompting and understand how you can use generative AI in your areas of responsibility. Our aim is not only to impart knowledge, but also to provide you with practical experience for your day-to-day work or specific tasks.

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AI Bootcamp


In the era of artificial intelligence, it is crucial to develop a solid understanding of what exactly AI entails: What are its limitations, opportunities and risks, and how can it be seamlessly integrated into an organisation's core business. A shared understanding within your team is key to the smooth creation of new solutions.

Our AI Boot Camp workshop is designed to teach you exactly that. In a one-day workshop, we present the latest technological developments, explain how they work and what they mean for your value proposition in the industry. Based on current challenges, we work together to develop AI use cases to apply in your company and for your customers. The results developed in the workshop are the first step towards applied AI in your company. Based on your assessment, the ideas that are best to develop and the most strategically valuable are prioritised and put on the track for application.

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AI Generated Content & Product Descriptions


GenAI Product Content enables the automated generation of comprehensive, high-quality and personalised product descriptions with the help of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT utilises this innovative approach for automated text creation. It also takes into account the development of concepts for customer-, product- and brand-specific queries. The resulting automated product descriptions are seamlessly integrated into your e-commerce platform via a connector or interface.


The use of this technology not only enables a fast and targeted creation of a wide variety of product texts in accordance with the corporate identity and their targeted playout across all relevant systems, it also leads to a significant reduction in the effort involved in text creation. GenAI Product Content combines generative AI technology, automation, product data and text generation to offer an efficient and high-quality solution for content creation in the e-commerce sector.

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Our AI Solutions

Smart Assistants


In e-commerce, advice and an excellent customer experience are crucial for an outstanding user experience and higher conversion rates. With new AI services in online shops, we can now respond to individual user needs with personalised services, a step forward from the previous, rather impersonal online advice methods.

AI shopping co-pilots in online shops enable interactive, customised advice in the digital space, tailored to the user's preferences and requirements. This technology is continuously improving through generative artificial intelligence, increasing customer satisfaction and engagement and giving online shops a competitive advantage. With the AI copilot, we create new customer experiences in online retail and personalised advice to help customers find the right product.

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Smart Insights for Loyalty Programs


With the Loyalty Insight Collector (LIC), you can collect customer data directly from your customers. By uploading a receipt to a customised landing page, customers receive rewards in the form of points for any loyalty system or participation in a prize draw. In return, the company gains valuable insights into the purchase history by utilising the receipt, including information on products, prices and additional purchases.

Based on the information from the receipt, the artificial intelligence creates specific data pools that form an ideal basis for targeting and subsequent loyalty measures.

Companies that sell products in retail finally receive meaningful and relevant insights about their customers and their purchasing behaviour. This information enables focused strategies for target group segmentation and opens up new possibilities for effective loyalty programs. The LIC solution thus revolutionises the way companies understand their customers and promote their loyalty.

More about Loyalty Solutions

AI by hmmh: your Partner for AI Solutions

Improving customer experience

The targeted use of insights creates tailored solutions and personalised approaches that enrich the customer experience from the first interaction to the final transaction.

Data-driven decision making

By precisely analysing and interpreting data, well-founded decisions are made that significantly influence success in lead generation and qualification.

Operational efficiency and optimisation

A sharpened focus on operational efficiency and precise optimisation enables the entire process from lead generation to final customer retention to be seamless.

Our Projects

Emarsys, GPT and Retresco
Real-time text generation with Emarsys and GPT

The collaboration between Emarsys, GPT and Retresco has resulted in varied and highly personalised communication for customers. This personalised approach has led to increased interactions and a more dynamic communication experience. At the same time, the manual effort is significantly reduced without having to compromise on the quality or quantity of the text variants. Text is generated in real time and enables efficient yet highly personalised communication with customers.

  • Capabilities Interaction between Emarsys, GPT and Retresco
  • Enables highly efficient and personalised marketing automation
  • Emarsys controls customer data and campaign management, while GPT and Retresco support content creation in real time.

Easy car rental via voice assistant

hmmh and Europcar have developed the first skill for Amazon Echo and Amazon Echo Show to enable hired cars to be reserved via voice assistant. Business customers are now able to easily rent their vehicles via voice interface.

  • Prototype approach
  • Concept & interface design
  • Developing skills & back-end logic

Find out more about the project

Transforming data from any PDF file into structured database content

The creation, optimisation and refinement of data and product data are part of everyday business in e-commerce. Every year, more than 10,000 product data PDFs are painstakingly converted into structured data by employees. With the help of character and table recognition, structured key-value pairs can be recognised and extracted with the PDF.AI tool. Compared to the manual method, 80 per cent of the time required can be saved and the processing of a PDF is reduced from 20 to 30 minutes to three to five minutes.

  • Savings potential during readout
  • Transfer and preparation of data
  • Savings potential for product data generation
  • Optimisation of manual work through automation

Financial service providers
Easily requesting deposit account balance from home via voice interface

By developing a prototype skill with access to the core banking systems, we have enabled customers to request their current deposit account balance at their convenience from home via voice activation.

  • Creating a prototype to request deposit account balances
  • Analysis and concept for secure architecture
  • Implementing security concepts for infrastructure
  • Developing an architecture and data model as an interface for Amazon

More about Voice Interfaces

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Andreas Precht
Head of Future Commerce

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